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Alucard von Mosquiton.  Nice fangs!
Hitometori Inaho, schoolgirl with grenades!
Camille is angry at Inaho.  Nothing new here.
Mo-chan Sensei looking stern, but cute.
Inaho's earring is glinting.  From the TV series, episode 25.
Mosquiton in his vampire phase, bloody eyes and all.
A dramatically-colored portrait of a screaming Mosquiton.
Profile of Inaho's ancestor of the same name.
Mosquiton and his two servants, Yuki and Honou.
I wonder how long it will take Inaho to realize that her BOTTOM'S ON FIRE!
Trying to figure out which is the Clair Bible? Wait...wrong show.
One of Inaho's classmates clutches her textbook.
The very appealing -- if hotheaded -- adult version of Honou, in profile.
Honou holds a rather dazed Yuki.
Camille does her best to capture Mo's attentions.
Sparks fly from the four corners of the room as four magic users interact with the mysterious sphere at the center.

Alucard von Mosquiton.  Nice fangs!
Sequence: A11
Layers: 1
Sketch: 1 Matching
Background: None

Master of Mosquiton (16)
Alucard von Mosquiton, one-quarter vampire, is the proud descendant of a long line of vampires. His mixed lineage allows him to be out during the day, when he tends to be a sweet, low-key kind of guy. But watch out for him after he's had refreshments!

Made it here

The copyright for all character images is held by their respective creators.
Copyright for commentary, arrangement, and this site is held by Baakay.